Erin & Clint were recently married at the very beautiful Stonebrook Farm in Perkasie, PA. The wedding was a rustic chic theme, with colors of "wine & champagne". I met Erin in September and knew right from that initial meeting that this couple was going to be super fun to work with! We spoke about how they met, and their courtship...I just fell in love with them!
They were interested in my services for their wedding ceremony programs. I looked at their wedding invitation and save the date and thought to marry the two elements together! The style of the program we ended up working with is what I like to call "The Flip-book". This was the perfect style for Erin & Clint who had so much they wanted to say to their very important and special guests. This flip-book consisted of 5 pages, everything from a dedication to an entire page of thank you's. This program was truly unique and beautiful and fit this couple to a "T".
We used a metallic "champagne" card stock, and kept the design on the front page consistent throughout each page. To finish it off we fastened the pages together by using "wine" colored satin ribbon through a small hole in the top left corner.
I was so excited to try this style of program for the first time, and I personally think it's one of my favorites! The photography was done by the wedding photographer, Suzanne Collier Photography.
Congratulations Erin & Clint!